Thursday, October 21, 2010

Guess I need to get this updated!

A lot has happened since I last posted. Need to start working on updating my life for the public. :) Do not have much time right now but will get to work on it. Recently got to visit with my BFF Tasha and my niece and nephew and was so grateful that they came to visit! I haven't seen WPJr since June and now he is crawling and trying to walk at 7mos. The walking is not going to come for a little while but he knows there is something greater than crawling! Alexis is just a doll and so smart. She is quick and I think that is what I love the most about her. Her mom saw the box of Jr Mints and she picked them up and said have you been eating these? Alexis said No. Her mom saw the grin on her face because there were a few in her mouth. Her mom said Don't lie to me... Lexi said you asked if I was eating those, I was eating these! I will get some pics to update but here is a pic of my nephew. He is adorable.

Ramon started racing a modified car in July and the season finally wrapped up this last weeekend. Time to tear down the car and start over. Will gather pics of this as well.

Ava and Ian are doing awesome in school this year. Ian is about to turn 9 in December and Ava is counting the days until she turns 6.

My dad moved to Huntington Beach CA in December of last year and is bored to tears. I am too so I want him to move back home with me very badly. I hope to get him back!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Official last weekday of Spring Break and Health Alert

I really wanted to take the kids somewhere today but our stinky weathermen made out like we would have horrid storms today. I thought better of hanging in the wilderness and spent the day watching soaps and cleaning for a bit. BIT!!! My mom is not doing well anymore and becomes more confused every day. I am praying for a miracle, she is too young and too needed. I won't be selfish when the time comes but man...this SUX and I am not looking forward to it. I love my momma and wish that she was giong to be around for many more years to come. People really should not smoke and I certainly hope that when the time comes when smokers are ready to quit that they do. It is never too late to quit. You will feel better and even if the damage is done we just want you to be as healthy as can be and my mom would tell you every minute counts! If she had stopped smoking 1 month sooner, we might not be in today's position just yet.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 18th

Ian had his first Cal Ripken baseball practice last night and I left my camera in the truck. The team name this year is the Lugnuts!!! Ramon and John Lemley are the coaches and Ian is so happy to have his BF Landen on his team again this year. Ava and Taylor spent most of the time playing in the dirt behind the fields. I didn't get the chance to spend time with my mom yesterday so I will be going over there tonight after work!